the Future of
Population Health

We strive towards creating ‘Cultures of Health’ in order to reduce the burden of diseases and maximise overall health and well-being. With Healthcare Professionals at the centre of our activities, we proactively strive to create health and well-being in individuals, organisations, and communities.

About us
About Us
All India Health Association (AIHA) was formed in 2018 by a group of practitioners, doctors and healthcare professionals under the aegis of Global Human Foundation and Doctor Dawa Health.

One of the main aims of the Association is to facilitate the development of health education among the masses, consumers and healthcare fraternity leading to an environment and awareness about preventive health. AIHA further supports the up-skilling of healthcare professionals in India as well as initiating IEC (information, education, communication) health projects.

Our flagship project, CPR Training, Get Trained. Safe a Life! has the vision that there should be CPR trained person (basic level) in every household of the country. We have tied up with healthcare professionals, hospitals, local agencies and corporates to take the project to every nook and corner of the country.

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Flagship Projects
Anaemia Screening and Eradication Program (ASEP)

Anaemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells (and consequently their oxygen-carrying capacity) is insufficient to meet the body’s physiologic needs. Iron deficiency is the most common form of malnutrition with a worldwide prevalence initially believed to be affecting more than two billion people around the world throughout their life cycles. The greatest burden of anaemia is born by Asia and Africa where it is estimated that 60% and 52% of pregnant women, respectively, are anaemic and between 1% and 5% are severely anaemic (hemoglobin 7 g/dl) and is associated with women

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National Nurses Skilling Program (NNSP)

India, along with more than 150 countries of the world, is committed to ensure healthy lives and to promote well-being for all at all ages (sustainable development goal-3). This basically translates into a healthcare system that provides high quality care not only for the advantaged populations (men, upper caste, affluent, living in urban areas), but also those living in remote rural areas, under privileged castes, poor and women, across all age groups. It is clear that a healthcare system dependent on doctors who are less available and insufficiently skilled to provide primary healthcare in far-off areas cannot achieve this goal.

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Vaccinate India

Vaccinate India is an ambitious project to vaccinate the critical population groups who are likely to be left out in the current Covid-19 vaccination drive owing to several last mile challenges existing in the current scenario. While the rapid development of vaccines against COVID‑19 is an extraordinary achievement, successfully vaccinating the critical population presents many challenges, from production to distribution, deployment, and importantly, acceptance. Trust in the vaccines is vital, and is critically dependant on the ability of government and the civil society to communicate the benefits of vaccination, and to deliver the vaccines safely and effectively.

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CPR Training, Get Trained. Safe a Life!

Accidents can happen anytime and anywhere. Right when you least expect it and probably at the worst possible time. Without someone with proper knowledge in giving immediate medical attention or CPR, lives could be lost. CPR helps keep oxygenated blood flowing to the brain and other crucial organs until normal heart rhythm is restored. This is the core reason why investing your time in CPR training is extremely beneficial. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, better known as CPR, should be everyone’s base emergency training.While heart disease is on the rise, CPR can help save lives. According to the American Heart Association, more than 400,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur every year.

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Doctor Dawaa, Your Health Clinic

Consulting credible and the right doctor at the right time can solve most of the health problems faced by our citizens. It leads to early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, which is not only good for our health but saves lot of money, health complications and other related problems. Doctor Dawaa Health helps you to take care of your ad your family’s consultation for a year enabling you to manage health and expenses efficiently. The Doctor Dawaa Health Card gives you the following benefits at the Doctor Dawaa Health Clinic, located in your vicinity.

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Pallavi Sharma

Project Manager
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